Alla inlägg den 31 maj 2011

Av bokfia - 31 maj 2011 20:38

Som utlovat kommer jag att ladda upp min story (som än så länge inte har ett namn, ett provisoriskt kommer komma upp när jag börjar med main storyn). Det som kommer komma upp nu är en slags pre history, bakgrunden till den är att vi fick en uppgift i Engelska, vi skulle skriva en berättelse i Thrill and Suspense stil, så jag tänkte varför inte kombinera in den i min story? Det här är alltså det som händer tidigast i min story, den är på Engelska, deal with it, hittade inte översättningen som jag skrev, som dessutom inte är lika bra. Okej, berädda? And go!

She was running again. She didn´t understand why nobody accepted her. What was so different about her? She had two legs, two arms and one nose like everyone else.

Behind her a soft noise from a bow was heard and she threw herself down on the ground, ignoring the pain from her scraped palms and knees as she slid forward. The arrow made a soft swooshing sound when it missed her back with a few centimetres and peeled itself into a tree. She didn´t stay that way for long, and still ignoring the piercing pain, she started running again. Tears of anger blurred her eyesight so she couldn´t see what was in front of her until the last moment. She could still hear though, and the sound of her pursuers´ screaming echoed through the thick forest when she tried to put as much distance as possible between her and the big and obviously well guarded capital.

She started to get tired and she felt her legs becoming numb. She wouldn´t be able to get away, the guards would catch up to her and then behead her, feed her to the dogs with her body and let her head lie in the forest so some animal could erase the last evidence of her existence. When tears of anger once again started dropping down her face she tripped over a branch that had fallen from a tree and she fell into some bushes with thorns. Well aware that she couldn´t continue in this state, she was bleeding from her palms and knees and her whole body now had cuts from the very sharp thorns from the bush. Her body was also trembling from exhaustion and she was afraid that her heavy breathing would give her position away. She was lucky, the noise from the guards´ armour would be able to drown the howling of a wolf and they didn´t hear her lying behind the grass coloured leaves trying to catch her breath.

While the general noise of the forest, accompanied by bird song, slowly became the loudest thing she could hear, she started to think about her past months.

Her mum had passed away after several years of illness and after her mum was buried, she had started to look for a new place to live.

She had started with the elves; her mum had mentioned that some elves in the outskirts of the thick and gloomy forest where they lived didn´t hate humans as much as their brethren in the deepest parts of it. But she had barely stepped into the village, she hadn´t even opened her mouth when she heard a scream, a scream that sounded like a lot of bells ringing in chorus, but still a scream of fear, and all the almost luminous elves near her either rushed up in trees or grabbed the nearest thing that could be used as a weapon. They turned their pointy, yet soft faces filled with anger towards her. They started hunting her, though they didn´t do more than that. They didn´t want her in their village but they didn´t want to kill her either. But that didn´t stop them from hunting her for a long distance, it wasn´t until she ran into the mountains, three days and 30 kilometres from the village, that she could stop and finally feel she was safe. Her body, on the other hand was too exhausted, from lack of food and not nearly enough water from her long jog. She collapsed behind a rock wondering if she would be able to wake up again.

She did wake up, but not in the same place as she collapsed, she was in a camp, a dwarven camp. The dwarves didn´t want to take care of her either, but they hated both humans and elves so she was surprised that they took care of her till she recovered. They also helped her to get out of the mountains and pointed out the direction for the human capital Stronghold. It took her two months to reach it and she crossed path with many villages along the way. She soon learned that if she showed herself, she would be chased away, so instead she waited until night fell and stole whatever she needed; food mostly, but also clothes. Her goal was the capital; she thought she would be able to get a job there.

But as soon as I entered, they chased me away, tried to kill me, like the elves.” She stood up, it was dusk and everything seemed gray. Standing up wasn´t the best move, at the same moment a guard emerged from the shadows and stopped suddenly when he saw her. (They must have split up.) He didn´t hesitate for long and pulled his sharp sword from his left side and rushed forward. At first she was scared and couldn´t move, but the fear turned quickly into anger. Why did they want to kill her? What had she done? As she started to scream, not from fear, but from anger, a fire started to spread through her. It didn´t hurt her but it was hot. The guard stopped, first she thought that he must be surprised, but then she realized he was screaming too, from fear. And then something was released from her, it looked almost like an invincible force made its way through the air.

All life in a radius of ten meters from her just died. The leaves dried up and disappeared in a gloomy gust of wind. The grass met the same destiny, and the trees dried up, leaving empty shells and skeletons around her. No animal where still in the area, but the guard was drained of all bodily fluids in two seconds, and fell to the ground in a pile of bones. At first she was scared that the same thing would happen to her but she realized soon that she was the one that had done this, and she became happy. She didn´t know where this powers came from or if she always had possessed them. She had completely forgotten about the guard, he didn´t deserve her attention now that he was dead. The only thing she could think about was that she could fight back now!

No, I can do more than that! If I can learn to control this power I can do whatever I want!” And with an evil grin on her face she turned south, the only direction she hadn´t gone to yet and as she disappeared in the night and the dark forest, her red eyes glittered with joy at the thoughts of everything she would be able to do.

That's it. Första delen är uppe, hoppas det inte blev alltför långt, ska försöka dela upp de andra lite beroende på kapitel längd. Tankar, kommentarer eller annat är uppskattat. Jag kommer försöka lägga upp ett inlägg i veckan, men jag är också lite i behov av hjälp med info samling och liknande, har jag inte fått det så kan jag inte fortsätta förrän det kommer, hoppas ni har överseende ^^

Nu ska jag inte babbla mer! Hej så länge

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